Police Accountability Oral Board Question and Answer Demo, Captain Level
Police Accountability Oral Board Question:“Much has been spoken about police accountability, what does accountability mean to you and how will you assure accountability as a captain?” CET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now! The police accountability oral board question has been showing up frequently at captain level oral boards and assessment centers. This stems from […]
Police Lieutenant Interview Questions – Weingarten and Garrity Answer Demo
Police Lieutenant Interview Question:Which employee rights would you address if you were conducting a disciplinary interview? GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now! Among police lieutenant interview questions, it’s important to know the Weingarten, Garrity and Loundermill rulings. As a lieutenant you are stepping into management, albeit in many agencies, mid-management. The biggest shift is […]
Police Oral Board Questions – What Do They Ask?
GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now https://youtu.be/UkcWXX7Thkc Wouldn’t it be great to know in advance which police oral board questions will be asked of you? Knowing that would greatly demystify the process and streamline your preparation. The reality is that rarely will you know the exact police oral board questions that will be asked. […]
Police Sergeant Oral Board Question: Implict Bias
Police Sergeant Oral Board Question: What is Implicit Bias and what concerns will it pose for you as a sergeant? GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now! When it comes to police sergeant oral board questions, Implicit bias has been the focus of much discussion in police training circles for the past dozen years. Much […]
Police Oral Board, Corporal Answer Demo “Trust & Legitimacy”
POLICE ORAL BOARD, CORPORAL QUESTION: “The first pillar of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing is “Building Trust and Legitimacy”, how does that affect you as a corporal?” GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now Although the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing was published in 2015, it has experienced renewed attention […]
Oral Board Question, Captain Answer Demo: Budget Reduction
QUESTION: Without reducing personnel, what recommendations do you have for reducing the PD’s budget? GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now For many promotion candidates, the department’s budget is not an area of familiarity, putting the candidate in a position of higher speculation – rather than certainty – as to what the panel is seeking. […]
Police Lieutenant Oral Board Answer Demonstration: Car Break-ins
https://youtu.be/mxuWB4owu9E QUESTION:How will you reduce car break-ins as a lieutenant? GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now Car break-ins are frustrating. Frustrating for the victims, frustrating for those who are concerned that they may be victimized, and frustrating for police. Chiefs seem to be on a never ending course to eliminate – or at least […]
Oral Boards: Police Sergeant Answer Demonstration “Officer Wellness & Safety”
GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now At oral boards, police questions are often related to contemporary topics. Officer wellness and safety is one of the six pillars from the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing Final Report. Fortunately, the concept of officer wellness and safety has been given increased attention over the past […]
Police Sergeant Interview Question: Motivating Officers
Police Sergeant Interview Question: Motivating Officers GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now Police sergeant interview questions are most challengeing for those who are rising into a supervisor role for the first time. You are now not only responsible for yourself, you are responsible for the personnel assigned to you. That responsibility is more clear […]
Oral Board Questions for Police Lieutenant: Morale
QUESTION:As a lieutenant, what steps will you take to improve the morale within your command? GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now Among the many oral board questions for police that may be asked, morale is a common topic. Here is how I would answer an oral board question regarding police morale. “If you are […]