Police Lieutenant Interview Questions – Weingarten and Garrity Answer Demo
Police Lieutenant Interview Question:Which employee rights would you address if you were conducting a disciplinary interview? GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now! Among police lieutenant interview questions, it’s important to know the Weingarten, Garrity and Loundermill rulings. As a lieutenant you are stepping into management, albeit in many agencies, mid-management. The biggest shift is […]
Police Oral Board vs. Interviews vs. Assessment Centers
GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now! The police oral board, interview and assessment center have unique qualities. If you are determined to rise through the ranks of your police agency, knowing how to succeed in your department’s promotion process is critically important. Often, promotion processes consist of some sort of knowledge based written exam […]
Police Lieutenant Oral Board vs. Sergeant Oral Board: How they differ.
Answer as a manager at your lieutenant oral board There is a natural order to the world and there is a natural order to oral board preparation. With rare exceptions, we advance in police positions one step at a time. This series of articles represent the progression of responsibilities that each law enforcement position holds. […]