Police Oral Board Questions and Answers, Captain and Generation Gaps

Police Captain Oral Board Answer

Police Captain Generation Gap Question GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now! If you are pursuing a captain promotion, it is likely that you have a significant amount of law enforcement experience. Certainly, police oral board questions and answers are more challenging at the captain level than they would be for a corporal or sergeant, […]

Police Lieutenant Generic Incident Oral Board Answer

Police Lietutenant Oral Assessment

Police Lieutenant Incident Question GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now! Regardless of the rank for which you are testing, you are very likely to encounter a question that involves a situation or some type of incident. This can be a relatively minor incident, such as unreported damage to a cruiser; to a more serious […]

Police Sergeant Oral Board Opening Statement – Minimal Experience

Police Sergeant Oral Board Answers

Police Sergeant Oral Board Opening Statement – Minimal Experience:“Tell us about the education, training, and work experience that has prepared you to be a sergeant?” GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now! When it comes to the police sergeant oral board opening statement you want to stand out among your competition. This can be easy […]

Police Corporal Oral Board Questions

Police Corporal Oral Board Answers

Police Corporal Oral Board Questions: “What does the word “mentor” mean to you and how will that word apply to you as a corporal?” GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now! Police Corporal Oral Board Questions can be developed from infinite sources. A solid part of your oral assessment preparation strategy should be to try […]

Police Sergeant Oral Board Scenario Questions and Answers

Police Sergeant Oral Board Answers

Police Sergeant Oral Board Scenario Questions and Answers: “You are a sergeant and an officer engages in a pursuit that violates general orders. Before you can terminate the pursuit, the fleeing vehicle and cruiser collide, injuring both operators. What would you do?” GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now! Police Sergeant oral Board Scenario Questions […]

Police Promotion Scenario Questions – Corporal

Police Corporal Oral Board Answers

Police Oral Board Scenario Questions:“You are a new corporal and a senior officer – who you like and respect – disregards a direct order that you have given them. What would you do?” GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now! Police promotion scenario questions are an excellent way for oral assessment raters to gauge a […]

Police Lieutenant Assessment Questions – Recruitment and Retention

Police Lietutenant Oral Assessment

QUESTION: “What recommendations do you have to improve police recruitment and retention at our agency?” GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now Police lieutenant assessment questions pertaining to recruitment and retention have been prevalent over the past few years. As you are moving from sergeant to lieutenant you may not see what you can do […]

Police Sergeant Oral Board Questions-Bail Reform and Legal Marijuana

Police Sergeant Oral Board Answers

QUESTION: “How does bail reform and recreational marijuana legalization affect you as a sergeant?” GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now! In my recent answer demonstrations I have been encouraging viewers like you to submit oral board questions for me to answer in future videos. The topic that I am covering comes from a viewer’s […]

Police Promotion Interview Questions – Policy and Oversight – Captain Level

Police Captain Oral Board Answer

Police Promotion Interview Questions:“What is your understanding and role with regards to policy and oversight as a police captain?” GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now! Police promotion interview questions focused around the six pillars from the President’s Task Force report on 21st Century Policing continue to be asked at promotion oral boards at all […]

Police Oral Board Interview Questions: Why do you want to be a corporal?

Police Corporal Oral Board Answers

Police Oral Board Interview Question:“Why do you want to be promoted to Corporal?” GET PROMOTED! Start Your Seminar Right Now! Among police oral board interview questions, those that have you explaining why you want to be promoted can be somewhat challenging. This is often due to a disparity between our self-serving reasons and the reasons […]